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Program antrenamente 12-14 August

Poza scriitorului: Cross TrainingCross Training

**The Legacy Lift (20 minute AMRAP)**

- 10 Deadlifts (M: 50 kg / F: 30 kg)

- 15 Pull-ups** (ring rows)

- 20 Box Jumps (M: 60 cm / F: 50 cm)

- 25 Kettlebell Swings (M: 20 kg / femei: 12 kg)

**The Final Grind (25 minute EMOM)**

- Minute 1 : 20/15 Cal Row (masculi/femei)

- Minute 2 : 10 Front Squats (M: 30 kg / femei: 15 kg)

- Minute 3 : 10 Thrusters (M: 30 kg / F: 15 kg)

- Minute 4 : 15 V-ups (20 sit-ups)

- Minute 5 : 20 Dumbbell Snatches (M: 15 kg / F: 7.5 kg)

**The Last Dance (30 minute Bodyweight Chipper)**

- **50 Burpees** -

- **40 Jump Squats** -

- **30 Push-Ups** -

- **20 Jumping Lunges** -

- **10 Burpee Broad Jumps** -

- **20 Jumping Lunges** -

- **30 Push-Ups** -

- **40 Mountain Climbers** (pe fiecare picior)

- **50 Burpees** -

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